Do you ever find yourself caught up in thoughts that don’t serve you? Maybe it’s worrying about how others perceive you, overthinking small interactions, or replaying the drama from your day. It’s all-consuming, isn’t it? And then, almost without realizing it, you forget the things that matter most—your best friend’s birthday, the joy of doing something you love, or the courage to finally try something new.
This isn’t a coincidence. When your energy is tied up in worry, fear, or distractions, it’s like watering weeds instead of flowers. The things that truly deserve your attention get left dry and neglected.
Here’s the thing: energy is limitless. But many of us use it in limiting ways. We shrink ourselves into survival mode—reacting, worrying, overthinking—when we’re capable of so much more. Deep down, you know you can shift the flow of goodness in your life. So why does it feel so hard to let go of what drains you and focus on what matters?
Let’s explore how this happens—and more importantly, how you can redirect your energy to create a life that feels expansive, joyful, and aligned.
How Energy Misuse Happens
In the Brain: Survival Mode Takes Over
The brain is a master of survival. Its job is to protect you, and it does this by constantly scanning for threats. When it detects something that feels unsafe—criticism, uncertainty, or even imagined scenarios—it activates the amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for fight, flight, freeze, or fawn.
In survival mode:
You might lash out or feel overly defensive (fight).
You avoid situations or mentally check out (flight).
You feel stuck and unable to move forward (freeze).
You overextend yourself to make others happy at your own expense (fawn).
While your brain thinks it’s protecting you, this constant vigilance pulls energy from the parts of your brain that handle focus, creativity, and decision-making. Instead of thriving, you’re stuck in a loop of fear and worry.
In the Body: Stress Drains Your Energy
When your brain signals danger, your body is like what wait? let me follow up! Stress hormones like cortisol flood your system, preparing you to fight or flee. But if the "threat" is something like overthinking an awkward conversation or replaying a mistake, this stress response stays active far longer than it should. Misuse of energy.
Here’s how it shows up:
Tension in your shoulders, jaw, or stomach.
Shallow breathing that makes you feel tired and on edge.
Fatigue from carrying emotional and physical stress all day.
Your body feels depleted because it’s spending energy on survival instead of creativity, joy, or connection.
In the Spirit: Disconnection from Your Inner Knowing
When your brain and body are stuck in survival mode, your spirit—the part of you that feels connected to purpose, joy, and possibility—feels dimmed.
Have you ever felt like you’re just going through the motions? That’s the result of misaligned energy. Your spirit thrives on expansiveness, but fear, drama, and distractions act like chains, keeping you small and disconnected from your true self.
How to Redirect Your Energy
OK this isn’t all gloom and doom babes. You don’t have to stay stuck in survival mode. You can intentionally redirect your energy and amplify the flow of goodness in your life. I’m sharing three simple ways I personally use to start:
1. Practice Intentional Gratitude
Gratitude shifts your brain out of fear and into abundance. Each morning, name three things you’re grateful for—big or small. This practice rewires your brain to notice the good in your life, which creates a ripple effect of positivity.
2. Create Energy Anchors
Energy anchors are rituals that help you ground and refocus throughout the day. Light a candle with intention, take a deep breath when you feel overwhelmed, or try EFT tapping (more on that below). These small moments act as checkpoints, helping you redirect your energy when distractions arise.
3. Ask Yourself: ‘What Truly Matters?’
When you feel stuck in fear or worry, pause and ask: What truly matters right now? This question pulls you out of survival mode and reminds you of your deeper priorities—whether that’s connecting with someone you love, pursuing a goal, or simply enjoying the present moment.
A Simple Energy Reset: EFT Tapping
EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is one of my favorite tools to release stuck energy and refocus on what matters. It combines gentle tapping on specific points of the body with affirmations to help calm the nervous system and shift your mindset.
Here’s a simple tapping script to try - please drink water before, in between & after tapping to keep you centered:
Round 1: Releasing Distractions
Flow: Start at the Side of the Hand and follow the sequence.
Side of the Hand:
"Even though I’ve been misusing my energy, I deeply and completely honor where I am."
Top of the Head:
"I release the need to focus on things that drain me."
Eyebrow Point:
"I let go of the fear of what others think."
Side of the Eye:
"I release the distractions that pull me away from joy."
Under the Eye:
"I release the habit of overthinking everything."
Under the Nose:
"I let go of the tension I’m holding in my body."
Chin Point:
"I release the need to carry worry and fear."
Collarbone Point:
"I let go of the pressure to please everyone."
Under the Arm:
"I release resistance to focusing on what matters most."
Round 2: Amplifying Energy on What Matters
Side of the Hand:
"I choose to focus my energy on what lights me up."
Top of the Head:
"My energy flows freely toward joy and purpose."
Eyebrow Point:
"I align my actions with what truly matters to me."
Side of the Eye:
"I amplify my energy toward the things I love."
Under the Eye:
"I choose courage and clarity over fear."
Under the Nose:
"My body feels calm, energized, and aligned."
Chin Point:
"My mind is clear, focused, and inspired."
Collarbone Point:
"I honor my spirit and its limitless potential."
Under the Arm:
"I am aligned with the flow of goodness in my life."
Your energy is one of your most precious resources. When you redirect it from distractions to purpose, from fear to joy, you create space for the things that truly matter.
Remember, this is a practice. Each time you pause to reflect, breathe, or tap, you’re building a habit of amplifying your energy in ways that expand your life.
Start small, stay consistent, and trust that with each intentional shift, you’re watering the flowers—not the weeds.
You can watch my live class replay here
and come to the next one!